Toby – a 10 year old male, scruffy, black and white Lab/Terrier mix dog belonged to a family who lived across the road from us. When we first moved to Greenville, SC, Toby was initially standoffish and on guard. But, within a few months-time, he not only warmed up to us, but adopted us as his surrogate mom and dad.  Toby would wait for us to return home and follow our cars as we pulled into the driveway that wrapped around to the back of the house. Toby would arrive like clockwork each morning; carefully crossing the road and briskly trotting up the brick path to the front door to retrieve his savory treats. But, first things in order were cuddles, hugs and languorous belly scratches. 

Sadly, the day before this past Mother’s day, while Toby was sitting with me outside on the front steps, a group of cyclists came pedaling up the road from the right. Toby shot out to chase them and before I could grab his collar, a car barreling down the road from the opposite direction (going more than twice the speed limit posted), struck and killed sweet Toby. The motorist never stopped. An irresponsible, heartless and reckless hit and run. 

We were devastated and in shock. We grieved and cried and eventually placed a memorial stone on the lawn near the edge of the road “To a Loyal and Loving Companion”.

I contacted a few incarcerated artists to ask if they would be willing to create a portrait of Toby, and these two beautiful acrylic paintings are the first pieces of art that I received. Check out the incredible likeness. The artist – Cuong (Mike) Tran nailed it! Thank you Mike! 

We still miss Toby! 

Leslie Lakes, Director

Art credit:  Cuong (Mike) Tran; CA