FREEDOM. Ahhh.....what a sweet and powerful word! The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved. Yet, imprisonment and slavery go well beyond physical walls and restraints. Emotional Freedom. Spiritual Freedom. Intellectual Freedom. Artistic Freedom.

I usually receive artwork from inmates, but this time, I received a paperback book titled A PRISONER'S GUIDE TO FREEDOM. Opening up to the first page there was a "WARNING" message: "A Prisoner's Guide to Freedom is not for the faint of heart". And, yes! I would have to agree.

This book may or not appeal to you, but personally, I loved it. Because it deals with freedom in the context of those who are incarcerated. But, more aptly in a general sense, the context of making a spiritual choice.

The book is authored by James Poffenberger who is incarcerated at the Boyd Unit at T.D.C.J. (Texas Department of Criminal Justice). Along with James, "...a motley crew of inmates have compiled this simple book of tracts which is revolutionizing the prison world".

This illustrated book (both color and black & white plates) covers a plethora of topics ranging from Addictions, Slavery, Schizophrenia and Mind Control, Who do you Serve?, Religion - the Opiate of the People, Law of Love, Look and Live, etc. The simple, yet striking graphic drawings and direct, raw and honest text is meant to enlighten, as well as provoke the reader to search the Word for healing and freedom.

Trust me...the author pulls no punches. I would venture to say that the author is likened to a spiritual prizefighter and he's not going down in the ring!

"Many of the incarcerated have lost everything: families, homes, their health, and their identity in this life. It is easier to cry out to God with a whole heart when you are left with nothing" - James Poffenberger,

If you're interested, the book can be purchased via Amazon.


James Poffenberger, Author

Micahel Deen, Editor

Artists: Inky, Shawn Hummel, Andre Cruz

Typist: Jeff Cissel

Thank you, and God bless!

Leslie Lakes, Director

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