With the start of this brand new year, it's my intention to regularly feature the works of various artists whose artwork delights the eyes, brings a smile to one's face, causes one to pause and reflect and/or to see the world in a different way.

For your enjoyment is a small collection (nine drawings total - just scroll from one to the next!) of primarily colored pencil drawings by Keith Harward of Virginia.

As you can see, Keith loves birds. But, on occasion, he will draw other animals upon my request including two wonderful drawings of a female brindle Greyhound I used to have named Sonya Rosa. Keith caught her "roaching" perfectly. Roaching is the term used for when a greyhound lies on its back with its paws up in the air in this high chested position. To see images of Keith's bird artwork and to place orders, please check out the Freedom Fundraising page. 



Leslie Lakes, Director
