Not wanting to solely rely on The Innocence Project's social media team to get the word out about Keith A. Harward's situation and P.A.T.H.'s current fundraising efforts for Keith - see here for more information - I decided to contact both local and national ornithological societies and clubs.
Lo and behold, the Golden Gate Audubon Society in Berkeley, CA picked up on it. Thanks to Ms. Ilana DeBare - Communications Director for their organization, who worked with me to edit and tighten up an article I wrote, they were kind and generous enough to post an article on their blog website.
The professional limited edition giclee prints of Keith's bird artwork (16 images to choose from) are for purchase. They are gorgeous prints, too- rich colors and textures.
For more information, please feel free to contact me.
Leslie, Director
PS: Upon His Freedom After 33 Years in Prison For A Murder He Didn't Commit, Keith Harward gets epic tattoo.
Photo Credit: Jason Flom